Randy’s Reviews – Saga #12 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples

Saga #12 Review by Randy Young

Saga #12 Review

Saga #12 Review

It’s amazing how two little pictures can cause so much controversy. Those two pictures had a point but were so insignificant compared to what was happening in this story.

This issues focuses on the robot prince. Though he’s put out a price on Marko and Alana, he’s not going to sit around and do nothing. The pressure is on him to have the whole debacle of two species from opposing sides of a war getting together and having a child put to an immediate end.

The prince decides the best way to do this is find the author of a book that was shared between Marko and Alana. According to the prince, this book is a clear call for civil disobedience. The author couldn’t disagree more. His take on the book is that it was nothing more than a paycheck.

Robot Prince IV feels that the outlaws will make their way to meet the author. The author says he’s had no such visitors.

There is some back and forth between both men but ultimately it looks like the prince will leave and take his search elsewhere. However, he then decides he might stay and wait in hopes that his hunches were right.

Damn him and those hunches. The intensity builds with every turn of the page this issue. By the time you see the last page you are hopping up and down yelling at the book. Vaughan and Staples have once again done a brilliant job of drawing you in and losing yourself in this book completely.


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