Randy’s Reviews – Age of Ultron #1 by Brian Michael Bendis and Bryan Hitch

Age of Ultron #1 Review by Randy Young

Age of Ultron #1 Review

Age of Ultron #1 Review

So the Age of Ultron is upon us. Is anybody else as lost as I am?

Brian Michael Bendis dumps us right into the middle of a story without any explanation. Characters are acting way different than I’d expect them to, a city is totally decimated, and a hero is killing without mercy. Is this the Ultimate universe? This book certainly feels like an Elseworlds story. I’m pretty sure none of this is actually happening in the regular 616 universe and will have no lasting effects on anything. That being said, I think that people can enjoy this story now without having to worry that it’s going to screw up characters, storylines, or be erased or negated a few months down the line.

Ultron has always been a fun villain to read. He’s the “son” of Hank Pym. A hero created one of the toughest archenemies of the Avengers. Somehow Ultron has been able to capture New York City. Some of the biggest heroes that you’d expect to see standing up and leading the resistance are broken. Nothing looks alive in this city. At this point, I’d guess the heroes are going to have to fight just to live rather than protecting civilians.

This issue is purely to set up the series. Its purpose is to capture your attention, ask questions and voice concerns, and then pick up the next issue (out next week) to see what has caused this. In that aspect, it was a successful issue. It was not a “knock your socks off” awesome opening issue, but it was engaging. I look forward to seeing what exactly is going on.

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