Randy’s Reviews – Nova #2 by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness

Nova #2 Review by Randy Young

Nova #2 (2013) Review

Nova #2 (2013) Review

I have no problem admitting that I’m no fan of Jeph Loeb and his weak storytelling and even weaker scripts.

I also have no problem admitting when I’m wrong. This is one of those instances and I’m happy I was wrong. Nova #2 is a solid read that has me excited.

Sam has never believed his father’s stories about running around the universe with an oddball group, being a hero. Even when he’s confronted by a green woman and a talking raccoon (don’t call him that), Sam still has a hard time believing those stories were real. That is, not until he puts on his father’s helmet.

While I still have a hard time swallowing this idea that there is this famous Nova that has never been mentioned before, Loeb is giving us a story with a lot of heart. I love seeing Sam be able to experience the Nova Force for the first time.

The last page is great and I’m curious to see why this particular individual has interest in Sam.

My problem with this story lies in McGuinness. His art is just odd. The way he draws some of the characters comes off weird to me. Things like their eyes are out of proportion to the rest of their bodies. His depiction of Sam isn’t bad though. I like his panels showing Sam zooming through the air.

This book is going to be important for the big cosmic crossover event happening later this summer. People interested in that crossover need to jump on board this title. They will no doubt enjoy it and be thankful they picked it up.

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