Randy’s Reviews – Green Arrow #18 by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino

Green Arrow #18 Review by Randy Young

Green Arrow #18 Review

Green Arrow #18 Review

Oliver Queen wanted for murder! Only, we know he didn’t do it. How can he prove himself innocent?

This issue is just as strong as Jeff Lemire’s premiere issue. Lemire has created a terrifying villain in Komodo. There is some sort of history there between Komodo and Queen’s father. Komodo is cold, calculating, and unrelenting. I like when you get a character that seems like such a perfect fit because he’s the exact opposite of our hero instead of being too gimmicky.

Queen is slowly putting together an answer to his problems. He’s also learning that his father was nowhere near the person he thought him to be. Magus has answers, but will only reveal them when he feels he should.

Queen has been given a reprieve for the next 48 hours by a familiar face. His job is to clear his name. The only problem is that Komodo is one step ahead of him. This story looks like it’s going to be a giant chess match between these two characters.

While my colleague, Chris Hunter, likens Andrea Sorrentino’s art to that of Jae Lee, I stand by my choice of Jock. The heavy inks and dark colors give this book a moody feel to it. The best part of the art for me though, is the choice to take and use black and white in certain panels. This helps to focus in on particular objects and give a certain emphasis to important details of the story.

Lemire has created a phenomenal story that any readers disappointed by the lackluster stories from DC recently should check out. Add it to your pull list so you don’t miss out on an issue.

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